Ministries (Under Construction)

Small groups are a place to let your guard down and build meaningful relationships with one another and with God.

Small Groups

Small groups are a place to let your guard down and build meaningful relationships with one another and with God.
Nowadays, people think small groups (what the Bible calls fellowship) participation is optional—something they do when and if, they have free time. Other things take a higher priority (work, friends, errands, and play time). We believe fellowship is a core part of what it means to be a Christian. The Bible teaches that once we accept Christ, we are reconciled to God and relationally connected with other believers in what’s called the body of Christ, which is the Church. “Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, so it is with Christ's body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other.” (Romans 12:4,5).
Throughout, the Bible, we find instructions telling us how to relate to each other and the phrase “one another” alone appear over sixty times (depending on the translation used).
Verses like these:
“Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.”  -  Romans 12:10-11

“live in harmony with each other. Let there be no divisions in the church. Rather, be of one mind,

  united in thought and purpose.”  - 1 Corinthians 1:10-11

“2 Always be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other's faults because of your love." - Ephesians 4:2-3

For us at Middle Creek Vineyard, it appears clear that the Christian life is meant to be lived in the context of relationship. It can be hard to experience real connection at a weekend service. Worship gatherings are a very important part of our church life, but it’s at the small group meetings during the week that we can experience what the Bible calls fellowship connections.
Fellowship with other Christians is vital to your spiritual health and growth. If you are not yet involved in a small group, we encourage you to make time for this in your life.

For more information on Small Groups Ministry please email John at

Because our marriages and families are vitally important to God and us, we want to invest in helping our relationships be as healthy as they can be. We are here to provide you with various opportunities and resources to help you enrich, strengthen, and grow your marriage and your family.

Family Ministry desires to empower every parent to live by the parenting principles found in God’s Word. We will do this through classes, ministry, and community-building events. We are committed to equipping parents with the tools and the training they need to build strong families and raise kids who love Jesus.

Contact John Guist for more information.

Events and Resources for Strong Marriages

Looking to get married?

 I want to help you and your partner enrich and strengthen your relationship. As you’re thinking about beginning a life together, I’d love to walk through the entire process with you. But that is so much more than simply getting “Hitched!” My hope and goal are to prepare you both for an incredibly healthy and vibrant relationship together.

I am only one of many options in marriage officials. The truth is, you really can get married by anyone. The goal is not to have you jump through hoops to get married, but rather, set you and your partner up with some time-tested training and planning to enjoy every good thing God has for you/your partner as we grow as followers of Jesus and as a spouse.

We would love nothing more than to have the opportunity to connect with you and your partner to hear your story and dream together about what God has in store for you and your partner.

  1. Give us a call! Contact us at 651-560-0486 or send us a message and express your interest in meeting with someone about getting married.
  2. You and your fiancé will meet with me (Pastor John) to hear how you met, hear your engagement story, and celebrate with you. Then we’ll talk out loud about what it looks like to get married through the Vineyard Church. There are no tricks or hoops to jump through, but we do see from the Bible that there are several things we can do as Jesus followers that will set our relationships up for success. 
  3.  I am a certified Life Innovations Inc. PREPARE/ENRICH Inventory Facilitator and use their products to work with couples who either wish to explore the possibilities of marriage or begin the planning process for a wedding ceremony/marriage.
  4. After the meeting, we can decide if I am the person you wish to perform your Pre-marriage training and your wedding ceremony.

Marriage Coaches

 All couples hit patches in their marriage life where they might benefit from a marriage coach, and it’s not a sign of failure to ask for one, need one, or work with one. We think it is a sign of maturity and valuing your marriage and your spouse. There are a variety of obstacles you may be facing as a couple, and we’d love to help you out - call 651-560-0486 for more information on how to get started.